Phase 1: Preliminary site investigations

The first phase in the contaminated land assessment process is for FIRST COMPANY to inspect the site and establish whether it has previously been used for any activities that may have led to asbestos contamination.

If the site’s history gives us a clear indication that there have been no contaminating activities in the past, there may be no need for further investigation or site sampling.

However, if we find that the site has previously been subjected to contaminating activities, or we are unable to establish what the site has been used for in the past, we’ll carry out a preliminary sampling and analysis program to find out whether more detailed site investigations are needed.

A FIRST COMPANY preliminary site investigation and land contamination report will tell you about:

  • any potentially contaminating activities that have occurred in the past
  • any potential types of contamination at the site
  • the condition of the site
  • whether there is a need for further investigation at the site.

Phase 2: Detailed site investigations

Where our preliminary investigations find there may be an unacceptable risk of land contamination on the site, we’ll then carry out a detailed site investigation, looking more closely at the issues raised in the preliminary investigation and at the type, extent and level of contamination.

Our detailed site investigation contamination report will give you an assessment of:

  • the likelihood and extent of contamination having spread via air, surface water, groundwater, soil and dust
  • the potential effects of contaminants on public health, the environment and building structures
  • any off-site impacts on soil, sediment and biota
  • remediation options.

In some cases, we can use risk assessment methods to develop site-specific clean-up levels, but appropriate procedures must first be discussed with the EPA.

Phase 3: Remedial action plan

If our detailed site investigations and contamination land survey find that the site and/or its surroundings pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment, now or in the future, we prepare a remedial action plan (RAP) for making the site suitable for reuse.

A RAP prepared by FIRST COMPANY will:

  • set goals for remediating the site to make it suitable for future use and safe for human health and the environment,
  • give you detailed procedures and plans for reducing risks at the site to acceptable levels for its proposed use,
  • set up the necessary safeguards for remediation works to be carried out in an environmentally acceptable way, and
  • include proof of the approvals and licences required by regulatory authorities.

Phase 4: Validation and site monitoring

Following remediation, FIRST COMPANY will prepare a report detailing the work completed and the regulatory requirements that have been met. This enables us, as well as regulators, site auditors and other interested parties, to assess whether the remedial goals set out in the RAP have been achieved and that the site complies with the clean-up criteria specified by the EPA.

The report will include the results of the site validation that takes place once the remediation works are complete and will outline additional work that needs to be carried out if any targets set in the RAP have not been met.

If ongoing site monitoring is required following remediation works (e.g., where full clean-up is not feasible or onsite contamination containment is proposed), we will provide you with a detailed monitoring program that includes:

  • the proposed monitoring strategy
  • parameters to be monitored
  • monitoring locations
  • frequency of monitoring
  • reporting requirements.

Contact us for contaminated land assessments today

FIRST COMPANY delivers safe, comprehensive land contamination assessments and services. To organise a contamination survey report

Contact us for more info: BD@FIRST-ENV.COM – 01271382273

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